Fall Conference 2013

Reboot, Refresh, and Restore: Igniting Your Potential

For an overview of the day, see the Conference at a Glance.

Dates: November 7 and 8
Location: Embassy Suites (near Washington Square in Tigard)
Cost: $195
Registration: registration is closed

Keynote Speakers

Gwendolyn Trice

Gwendolyn Trice, a native of La Grande Oregon, moved back to the country after a career with Boeing in Seattle. Now located in Enterprise, Gwen has dedicated the past several years to uncovering and documenting her family’s migration to the West — African American loggers in search of promise in the early 1900’s. She is the founder and Executive Director of the Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center in Wallowa County & her efforts have rekindled an interest in eastern Oregon’s rural history.

Oregon Public Broadcasting produced the Loggerʼs Daughter in 2009, Senator Wyden championed a land use bill the same year and that bill was signed into law by President Obama in 2012 providing historical buildings for the Heritage Center. In 2013, Ms, Trice was appointed by Governor Kitzhaber to the Commission on Black Affairs to work for the implementation and establishment of economic, social, legal and political equality for Oregon’s African American and Black populations.

The question of WHY comes up when asked of Gwen Trice, an African American
woman who has moved back to a rural community after 30 years living in the city.
Hear how the transformative links to family, place and community play a role in shaping
how she interprets her past, present and future. Gwen began several years ago with a
question of WHY, her exploration and presentation will reveal shed light on her journey and process.

Dr. Allatia Harris

Dr. Allatia Harris is the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives at San Jacinto College. In March 2013 she was selected to serve on the AACC Advisory Committee on Leadership Initiatives. She currently is President Elect and Legislative Liaison for the National AAWCC and serves on the AACC Council for Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity.

Dr. Harris recently assumed her position as vice chancellor for strategic initiatives at San Jacinto College. Previously she served as president of the North Campus. She came to San Jacinto College from the Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD), where she served in a variety of roles at several colleges and in the system office. She served as a full-time faculty member at Mountain View College for more than a decade and also taught as adjunct faculty at San Jacinto College, El Centro College, Richland College, and in the doctoral program in educational leadership at the University of Phoenix.

Dr. Harris holds a doctorate in educational administration with a specialization in community college leadership from the University of Texas. She has pursued doctoral studies at the University of Southern California in communication, and earned master’s and bachelor’s degrees in speech communication, both from the University of North Texas.

Dr. Nancy Golden

In August 2013, Dr. Nancy Golden accepted the position as Oregon’s Chief Education Officer. With 30+ years experience as an educational leader, Nancy formerly served as the superintendent for Springfield Public Schools in Springfield, Oregon from 2003-2013. She served as Educational Advisor to the Governor during the 2011 legislative session and continues to act as the alternate chair of the Oregon Investment Board. In 2011, Nancy was selected as Oregon’s Superintendent of the Year. Since 2003, under Nancy’s leadership, the Springfield District developed the Springfield Quality Education Model, significantly increased student achievement, and successfully passed a $42.7 million bond. In addition, the district was the first in Oregon to implement a One-to-One Initiative and opened a new school, the Academy of Arts and Academics.

In 2004 Nancy was appointed by the governor to the Literacy Leadership State Steering Committee and was profiled in the January edition of The School Administrator. A former director for the University of Oregon’s Administrative Licensure Program, where she continues to teach, she is an expert in learning organizations, group process, facilitation skills, school supervision, and curriculum delivery and design.  Nancy obtained her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Oregon in 1987 and has over 35 years experience in the educational field, beginning her career in 1974 as a special education teacher.

Nancy is highly regarded for her interest in promoting equity in our schools. She was one of two winners of the 2012 Tom Ruhl Leadership for Equity Award by the Oregon Leadership Network; in 2009 she received the Springfield Alliance for Equality and Respect’s Human Rights Leadership Award; and she has been asked to present many times on the subject of equity. Her publications include “The Complete Toolkit for Building High Performance Work Teams,” “A Seven-Step Process to Align Curriculum with Oregon State Content Standards,” and “Effectiveness of Guided Practice During Remedial Reading Instruction: An Application of Computer-Managed Instruction.”