
Below are the current bylaws.  For some history, you can see the 2023 Bylaws, 2014 Bylaws, 2012 Bylaws2005 Bylaws or 1989 Bylaws.

Article I – Name

The name of the organization is the Oregon Chapter of the American Association for Women in Community Colleges (AAWCC or the Chapter), formerly known as the American Association of Women in Community and Junior Community Colleges.

Article II – Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Chapter is:

The mission of the Oregon Chapter of the American Association for Women in Community Colleges is to inspire, champion and celebrate the talents within each of us.

Article III – Membership

Any person interested in supporting the Chapter mission will become a member upon participation in any state-sponsored event or upon completion of a membership application to the state chapter. The board may at any time establish institutional memberships for community colleges, individuals or other organizations and establish appropriate dues for these memberships.

Article IV – The Board

Section 1 – Responsibilities of the Board

The board will be composed of the Chapter officers, the AAWCC regional coordinator (nonvoting), the at-large member(s) (nonvoting), and the ex-officio member(s) (nonvoting). The board will meet a minimum of three times each year, and will manage the affairs, control the funds of the Chapter, set dues, and appoint individuals to serve in advisory roles, as needed. The president will make an annual report to the membership of the board’s activities. A quorum of the board will be seven officers. All meetings will be held after adequate notice to all members of the board; meetings may be held by conference call, zoom, or in person.

The board will be responsible for coordination and support of:

  1. The Oregon Institute for Leadership Development (OILD);
  2. The Annual Statewide Conference;
  3. Development of local campus and agency involvement.

Section 2 – Executive Committee

There will be an executive committee made up of the past president, president and president- elect. The executive committee will make emergency decisions and conduct crucial business when the president deems it impossible to call an emergency meeting of the board.

Section 3 – Election of Officers

  1. The board will prepare a slate of candidates, accepting suggestions from members and checking qualifications. The board will provide chapter members with a list of candidates and qualifications during the Annual Statewide Conference. At the discretion of the board, a nominations and elections committee may be appointed to prepare a slate of candidates for elections.
  2. The election will take place at the Annual Statewide Conference. All chapter members present are eligible to vote. Secret ballots will be used, and write-in candidates will be allowed. There will be no proxy voting.
  3. Candidates must be present at the Annual Conference, or have made prior arrangements with the board, to be elected into a board position.

Section 4 – Vacancies

  1. Should any office become vacant, the board will appoint a replacement. The appointee will serve out the term of the position to which he/she has been appointed.
  2. If a board member misses more than three meetings, without notice, the board may declare the position vacant and appoint a replacement.

Article V – Officers and Members of the Board

Section 1 – Qualifications and Terms of Office

Any member of the Chapter will be eligible for office. With the exception of the At-Large positions, each officer will serve a minimum two-year term. At-Large positions are one-year appointments. Each officer and board member will promote the mission of the AAWCC and also facilitate interaction among women through involvement in local, state and national activities.

Section 2 – Titles and Duties

A. President

  1. Call and preside at meetings of the Chapter and board.
  2. Coordinate the activities of officers and committees.
  3. Appoint committees deemed necessary by the board.
  4. Make an annual report to the membership regarding activities.
  5. Serve as the spokesperson for the Chapter.
  6. Take responsibility for the operation of the organization between board meetings.
  7. Delegate responsibilities to other officers, including chairing of meetings.
  8. Serve as chair of the executive committee.
  9. Serve as president for a two year term, being elected in even numbered years
  10. Serve as National AAWCC Region X contact
    • Prepare reports for national and statewide newsletters regarding National AAWCC with assistance from the VP of Communications.

B. Past President

  1. Serve on the executive committee and board.
  2. Serve as National AAWCC Region X contact if they desire
  3. Serve in this position for the two years after holding the president position.

C. President-Elect

  1. Coordinate annual election process.
  2. Review financial records quarterly including check register and bank statements.
  3. Coordinate the recognition of outstanding women in Oregon community colleges through awards or other methods deemed appropriate by the board.
  4. Facilitate communication and act as primary liaison to campus contacts.
  5. Serve on the executive committee and board.
  6. Serve two years in the President-elect position being elected in even numbered years.

D. Vice President – Communication & Marketing

  1. Serve as creator of the State Chapter newsletter.
  2. Work with the Vice President-Membership/Registrar with the assistance of the members-at-large to coordinate the marketing effort.
  3. Monitor and respond to posts and messages from users/followers of Oregon AAWCC Chapter’s social media accounts.
  4. Oversee and maintain the design of Oregon AAWCC Chapter’s social media accounts (e.g., profile information and profile pic).
  5. Create and publish ongoing social media content that is relevant, current, professional, and fit to the mission of the Oregon AAWCC Chapter and National AAWCC Chapter.
  6. In collaboration with Web development, identify strategies to engage current and prospective Oregon AAWCC Chapter members through social media campaigns.
  7. Prepare reports for national and state newsletters regarding National AAWCC with assistance of members-at-large.
  8. Serve terms of 2 years in length, being elected in even numbered years.

E. Vice President – Annual Statewide Conference

  1. Responsibility for the planning, implementation, budget and evaluation of the annual Annual Statewide Conference.
  2. In charge of coordinating the essential subcommittees required for a successful conference.
  3. Disseminate information on the Annual Statewide Conference.
  4. Assist local chapters hosting Regional Leadership Summits by providing them with framework, resources, knowledge, and support.
  5. Serve a term of one year in length.

F. Vice President – Finance

  1. Maintain proper financial records and make regular financial reports to the board, and present a statement annually to the president to include in the report given at the annual meeting and to the National AAWCC treasurer.
  2. Present financial summary and balance reports at each state board meetings.
  3. Deposit funds in the Chapter’s account.
  4. Disburse funds as directed by the board.
  5. Prepare an annual budget for board approval.
  6. Provide financial records quarterly to the Board for review and accountability.
  7. Coordinate event scholarships. Create a scholarship fund and provide reports to board.
  8. Serve terms of two years in length, being elected in odd numbered years.

G. Vice President – Membership/Registrar

  1. Maintain membership database which includes members’ state, regional and national activities.
  2. Provide membership information to the National AAWCC upon request.
  3. Work with members of the board to develop, maintain and update the listserv.
  4. Work with Vice President-Communications & Marketing, with the assistance of members-at- large to coordinate membership efforts.
  5. In collaboration with Vice President-Web Development and Vice President- Communications and Marketing, identify strategies to engage current and prospective Oregon AAWCC Chapter members through social media campaigns.
  6. Coordinate the registration for all state events.
  7. Serve terms of two years in length, being elected in odd numbered years.

H. Vice President – Records

  1. Transcribe the Chapter meeting minutes and provide to the Vice President-Web Development for posting.
  2. Maintain bylaws, including updates and revisions, and provide Vice President- Web Development with current, approved bylaws for posting.
  3. Carry out any other special projects assigned by the board.
  4. Serve terms of two years in length, being elected in even numbered years.

I. Vice President – Special Projects
The purpose and direction of the Special Projects position shall be determined by the board prior to nominations and elections for the coming term.

  1. Carry out special projects assigned by the board.
    • Mentoring
      • i. Create signup/registration emails for distribution to membership
      • ii. Write newsletter articles (include pictures)
      • iii. Write workshop proposal to promote at Annual Conference (oversee workshop)
      • iv. Create/distribute information at Regional Leadership Summits
      • v. Check-in with cohort (use subcommittee’s help)
      • vi. Keep guide relevant
      • vii. Create a list of resources
      • viii. Report out to Board quarterly
      • ix. Work with Vice President-Web Development to keep the website current (monitor website)
      • x. Keep timeline current
      • xi. Serve terms of two years in length, being elected in even numbered years.

J. Vice President – Web Development

  1. Be appointed by the board and attend board meetings.
  2. Work with members of the board to develop, maintain and update the Oregon AAWCC website.
  3. Maintain the email list-serve for the state chapter
  4. Communicate with Vice President-Communications and Vice President- Membership/Social Media, and all other officers to keep website information current.

K. Vice President – Oregon Institute of Leadership Development (OILD)

  1. Be appointed by the board and attend board meetings.
  2. Take responsibility for the planning, implementation, budget and evaluation of the summer OILD conference.
  3. Disseminate information on the OILD conference.

Section 3 – Titles and Duties of Other Board Members

A. At-Large Member(s) (one or more)
At-Large positions allow the board an opportunity to explore new membership in an effort to determine strengths and opportunities of service. One or more of these positions can remain empty or filled as needed.

  1. Be appointed by the board and attend board meetings as a non-voting member(s).
  2. Serve for a period of one year.
  3. Carry out duties as assigned by the board, which may include shadowing other board members to learn different aspects of how the board functions.

B. Ex-Officio Member(s)

  1. Be appointed by the board for special projects.
  2. Attend board meetings, as a non-voting member(s), as requested by the president.

Article VI – Annual Meeting and Conference

Section 1 – Time and Purpose

The Annual Statewide Conference will constitute the annual meeting of the membership. This meeting will include the president’s annual report and any other official business as deemed appropriate by the board. Every member shall be notified by email of the annual meeting at least 15 days prior to the meeting.

Section 2 – Quorum

A quorum will consist of 25% of the voting members registered at the conference.

Section 3 – Parliamentary Authority

All proceedings of the Annual Statewide Conference will be governed by Robert’s rules of order.

Article VII – Amendments to Bylaws

Section 1 – Annual Statewide Conference

These bylaws may be amended by a majority of the votes cast at the annual Annual Statewide Conference provided:

  1. Notice of the proposed amendment(s) is given in any manner including electronically to members at least 30 days prior to the Annual Statewide Conference at which the amendment(s) will be considered;
  2. At least 12 attending members propose a written amendment at the annual Annual Statewide Conference itself; or,
  3. The board provides the opportunity for the proposed amendments to be reviewed fully through any method, including but not limited to, email notice, posting to a website, inclusion in any newsletter form or any other manner calculated to give full opportunity for review.

Section 2 – Ballot

These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote, provided:

  1. The amendment is proposed by a majority of the board; and
  2. The proposed amendment is available to all members prior to the voting deadline.

Revision history

  • Jul 2024: amendments approved. Revision summary: updated board position titles, years of service, and conference names.
  • Nov 2018: amendments approved
  • Nov 2014: amendments approved
  • Nov 2012 amendments approved
  • Nov 2009: amendments approved
  • Nov 2005: amendments approved
  • Nov 2003: amendments approved
  • Nov 2001: amendments approved
  • Nov 1998: amendments approved
  • Jan 1994: bylaws established